WOW EARN Mining Power Detailed Explanation: Diversified Gains Boost Mining

WOW EARN Mining Power Detailed Explanation: Diversified Gains Boost Mining

The total amount of WOW coins issued is 1 billion. WOW EARN partners can click on mining in WOW EARN and share a total of 500 million WOW coin mining pools.

Now, we will introduce the composition of our mining power in detail to partners: basic mining power, invitation mining power, pledge mining power, and pledge invitation mining power.

Basic mining power: When you become an explorer, your basic mining power is 0.03 WOW/Hr.

Invitation mining power: When you invite your friends to join WOW EARN for mining, your mining power will be significantly increased.

1.When you become a pioneer, both of your two direct team members start mining, and you activate the pioneer mining power reward. Each direct team member will bring you a 25% increase in mining power, and your mining speed will increase by 50%, which is an increase of 0.015 WOW/Hr.

2.When you become an ambassador, all your team members start mining, and you activate the ambassador’s mining power reward. Each second-level team member will give you a 12.5% increase in mining power. You will get a total of 100% increase in mining power. At this moment, you will also enjoy an additional 100% increase in mining power, totaling +0.06 WOW/Hr.

3.When your team members exceed seven, other members outside your 7-member team will begin to click on mining. Each member will bring you a 1% increase in mining power.

Note: Your team members must click on mining to increase your mining power.

Pledge mining power: When you choose a pledge strategy, you will increase your mining power.

Different pledge strategies will bring you different increases in mining power. When the pledge amount is the same, the longer the pledge strategy period, the more mining power you will get.

Pledge invitation mining power: When your team members start the pledge mining power, you will receive a corresponding percentage of mining power bonus.

Your total mining power = basic mining power + invitation mining power + pledge mining power + pledge invitation mining power.

Note: For detailed calculation methods, please refer to the WOW EARN mining details page.

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