With the advent of the Web3 era, the rules of the Internet have changed, and everything is different now.
WOW EARN has revolutionized the old invitation mode by building a unique community, where members are united in friendship and mutual assistance. The relationship between team members will no longer be based on contributions and demands but rather on helping each other and achieving success together.
Title introduction:
Explorer: When you first join WOW EARN and start exploring the platform, you are an explorer.
Vanguard: When you join WOW EARN and have two direct subordinates, you become a vanguard.
Ambassador: When your two direct subordinates also become vanguards, you form a seven-member team, and you become an ambassador.

Invitation mode:
1. We limit you to only having two direct team members. When you have more friends to invite, you should help your subordinate team members. We use the ambassador priority and automatic matching mechanism. Your invited friends will automatically become a direct subordinate team member of one of your team members under the system’s allocation, and you will help your team members become ambassadors.
2. Ambassador priority mechanism. Our invitation mechanism not only helps your direct subordinate team members but also helps your superiors. WOW EARN’s invitation mechanism is a mutual help and achievement mechanism. If your superior is not yet an ambassador, and you have already become an ambassador with priority, then your next invited friend will help your superior achieve ambassador status.
3. Automatic matching mechanism. All members can only have two direct subordinate team members. Therefore, the third member we invite must have helped their own team member. The system will automatically match them and help your team member become an ambassador. This is not subject to human intervention, and the system will judge and recognize it to help team members in need. Therefore, our invitation mechanism is extremely easy. You only need to invite two people to form your team. Even if you become a WOW EARN partner by accepting someone’s invitation, you may not need to invite anyone else and can still become an ambassador with the help of your team members.
All of WOW EARN’s invitation settings are designed to encourage partners to help each other and achieve success together. We have changed the old mode in which superiors invite subordinates and only benefit from them. Instead, we want superiors and subordinates to become true partners and friends who benefit each other. Through the system’s automatic matching mechanism, we automatically help the people in our own team who need it to become ambassadors.
Note: Explorers, vanguards, and ambassadors will enjoy different benefits (see mining power and pledge rewards for details).